The repumping service visiting for the drill at CHEMIA

An emergency was tested in glowing heat.
Those wondering whether it is too hot to work should take a look at our helpers in an emergency: in brilliant sunshine and hot temperatures, the fire brigade in full protection carried out a drill in the area where ammonia is repumped from one tank lorry into a second. On their skin they wore fire protection clothing, with a cooling vest over it, then a layer of cold protection (contact with liquid gas leads to freeze burns on the skin!) and as a very outer layer a chemical protection suit made of PVC with a head helmet – and of course an oxygen supply on their backs. They were not to be envied.
The repumping squad of the Canton Zurich building insurance is a merger of the professional forces of GVZ, Protection & Rescue Zurich and various chemical brigades of Canton Zurich. They attend major events throughout Switzerland and are the only ones capable of repumping liquid gas to be able to recover damaged vehicles. They must practice this regularly and so we were able to watch in amazement how highly concentrated they built up the support station and repumped the ammonia. How glad are we that they are there in an emergency! The next drill on our site has already been agreed.