

Public swimming pools

Schwimmer in öffentlichem Schwimmbad, CHEMIA BRUGG AG, Geschäftsbereich Swimmbad public

A one-stop shop from treatment of the swimming pool water to cleaning accessories.

Our wide product range for public swimming pools

Operators of public swimming pools can find almost everything they need for maintaining their swimming pool. From disinfectants for changing rooms and efficient cleaning agents to swimming ropes or springboards.

  • Aquafun

    Badegast auf Schwimmring im Pool, Aquafun, Sport- und Spielartikel CHEMIA BRUGG AG

    The right accessories provide more fun in the water and can represent valuable additional business.

  • Cleaning

    Reinigung öffentliche Schwimmbäder, CHEMIA BRUGG AG, Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsmittel Despro

    Since the 1970s, we have been developing high-quality cleaning and disinfecting agents under the brand DESPRO. Our experience is your advantage.

  • Cleaning accessories

    With the optimal cleaning accessories, you will save time and physical effort, without compromising deep cleanliness. You can complete the task significantly more efficiently with our articles.

  • Filtration


    As a competent partner for public swimming pools, we also cover the area of filtration with innovative filter media, efficient filtering aids and filter technology.

  • General disinfection

    Allgemeine Desinfektion, öffentliche Schwimmbäder, Schwimmbad public, CHEMIA BRUGG AG

    Harmful germs spread particularly easily in humid and warm environments. Our range of highly specialised disinfectants provides a suitable product for almost every area of use.

  • Infrastructure

    Schwimmerin springt ins Wasser, Infrastruktur öffentliche Schwimmbäder, CHEMIA BRUGG AG

    With the right basic infrastructure, you can create optimal conditions in your pool for the wellbeing of all bathing guests. Our product range includes prize-winning swimming ropes, as well as springboards, starting blocks and much more.

  • Storing and dosing of chemicals

    Varibox, IBC, Chemikalienlagerung und Dosierung, CHEMIA BRUGG AG

    Clever concepts for the safe storage of chemicals without construction measures are available from us. Warehouse regulations can therefore be met where there is no collection basin for hazardous substances.

  • Water trreatment

    Wasser, Wasseraufbereitung, öffentliche Schwimmbäder, CHEMIA BRUGG AG

    The treatment of swimming pool water has been one of our core competences for a long time. It is therefore scarcely surprising that we are among the leading providers with wide expertise.

  • Wellness

    Wellness, Dampfbadzusätze, Saunaaufgusskonzentrate, Schwimmbad public, CHEMIA BRUGG AG

    We stock steam bath additives and sauna infusion concentrates in first-class quality.

  • Work safety

    Schutzausrüstung, Arbeitsschutz,

    Products that are necessary for safe working with chemicals complement our portfolio.

Your contact persons

Bruno Bösch

Field sales for public swimming pools

Besim Fej

Team leader for public swimming pools

Thomas Moser

Field sales for public & private swimming pools

Denise Hauenstein

Sales back office for public swimming pools, Aquafun & basic chemicals